How to have a sustainable and organised wardrobe in 4 steps

March 31, 2020

How to turn your wardrobe into a “pharmacy”

Days of quarantine or in other words – free time that we didn’t have before to pay attention to those abandoned corners at home, carefully isolated from the eyes of strangers. Reorganization, ladies (and gentlemen – optional), hem we will not be bored, hem we will be useful to ourselves.

And because we’re thinking of you, we’ve created a short guide with various steps on how to make your wardrobe sustainable without tons of extra clothes languishing in it.

Step 1: Preparation is everything

Whatever you do start it with a clear mind, creating an atmosphere for change. Give yourself plenty of time – you’re not in a race, you don’t have to finish quickly (or even at all!). Just enjoy the moment – prepare your favourite playlist, aromatic tea or an interesting podcast to listen to. Organize space around you so you can categorize clothes.

Tip for the more experienced and focused: Systematize, make a list in which you will indicate clothes by memory. In this way, it will be very easy to realize which clothes you need the most.

Step 2: Sea of clothes

Place all clothes on the ground so that they are in front of your eyes. Make up your own categories. Don’t forget the ones in the washing machine or in the closet. Hey, also keep an eye on the dryer! These “vestments” must also be arranged. The imposing height of the pile of clothes that has gathered will remind you again that you urgently need to wave goodbye to the unnecessary.

Step 3: Favourites and timeless

You have a goal – to leave under your roof only the timeless classics and the most favorite clothes. Miss Kondo would ask, “Does this garment light a spark in you?” And we urge you to think about whether you’ll be wearing it in two years. If the answer to both questions is yes, leave the garment in your closet, if it’s no, ciao-chao.

And remember! There are no impossible things, and that includes repairing a torn garment. No need to keep through nine mountains in a tenth of those jeans or dresses from the category “when once became a top model”. And then it won’t be their turn, we promise you. You get in shape first, then leave the beautiful ideas to us.

Step 4: I succeeded!

Celebrate a job well done with a little victory dance or a glass of fragrant wine. It wasn’t easy, but you did it! Some clothes carry an emotional memory and are hard to part with. We know this and congratulate you for your strength, courage and determination, you will not regret it because the best is yet to come.

What to do with unnecessary clothes?

Divide them into several categories “for friends”, “for a Facebook group (e.g. FREE your stuff, In and Out, Chicks, etc.)”, “for the textile container” or for a clothes swap event at home with friends that you personally organize.

It’s always cooler to be dressed in unique second-hand clothes than to be a victim of impersonal fast fashion.

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